
Friday, September 18, 2009

Change Your Song

"Do you need to change your song today? Instead of complaining and thinking about what you’re not, start thanking God for what you are becoming. Just like David, stay in faith and sing to the Lord knowing that He’s going to complete what He’s started in you." Joel Osteen

It is so easy when life gets tough to allow yourself to get in to a mind that nothing is becomes a struggle of your making OR that the difficulties that you carry are weighed down further by the negative attitude that you perpetuate.


You are doing this to one else can change your perspective except you.

Is it time to change your song? If it is and your are struggling to find the music and the lyrics...maybe it is time to look to Him you can be strong.

PS You may have to view this video at YouTube...please take the will glad that you did.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Million Hugs

Start your week with a HUG...Pass it on!!!

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