We spend most of our younger lives having our parents or significant others train us to listen to this tiny voice and then we go to school and out in to the world to have that training tested.
In our present culture, our training is muted by media...we hear the voice of television, music, social media...our experiences in college through professors, our college friends and at work through our workmates.
IF...we have had any experience of hearing the voice of God through scripture, prayer and meditation or song....It is THIS voice we need to listen to when it speaks from our inner spirit.
Turn down the volume of our culture and listen to the TRUTH...Listen to the voice that is within.
Oprah has called it your gut...my father and mother always told me to listen to my gut feeling...I HEARD it as a voice and was once thought to be crazy by a preacher because I told him I heard a Voice. I always knew this Voice...I heard and spoke with this Voice often when I was young. I am not crazy...I believe I am just open and allow God to speak to me directly, through human messengers, in visions and in dreams. I hear and listen to the Voice all the time now and then I try to represent Him the best I can after hearing the message!